Monday, February 08, 2010

6&7-FEB/10 @ Proud Galleries & Luminaire

It's been a while since we smashed our instruments around to a room full of other people...
Boy does it feel good :)


-- // Proud Galleries, Camden \\ --

Too cool & Trendy for us - Definitely.
But... such a nice place to play - really nice - Good sound system, BIG rooms, stables, photos on the walls, Gallery Space etc. etc.

Major downside: From a band point of view it's a logistical nightmare. Nowhere to park (locally everything is Max stay 2 hours until 11PM?!?!?), no convenient loading and/or unloading... We had to drag our equipment (Drums, Keyboards, Guitars, Amps and all) through a crowded club at MIDNIGHT ONLY, down the cobbled street, through and around barriers to our little van parked 5 minutes away. Hell, we don't mind too much - we're all still sore, but the bouncers made our life more difficult than it had to be... seriously. Our saving grace was the promoter 'Ilana'. Lovely lady who put us on and made sure we had the smoothest time we could whilst we were there. You rule!


Magical Mervyn's Psychic Sidekick
Sum Numbers
Leap Of Faith & BTDTGTD

Photos: 06-FEB/10 by Jo - We're gonna miss you! Have fun & see you in May!

Video: 06-FEB/10 Underachiever (Live @ Proud) - Filmed by Barbara Stewart - thanks Babz!

-- // EyeSeeSound Session @ Luminaire, Kilburn \\ --

Having made a partial recovery from the previous night antics we jumped back into the van and headed to Kilburn for a live video session with
-->EyeSeeSound<-- CLICK
who are a lovely bunch of people who hire out the Luminaire in Kilburn once a month and get bands in that they love too play for them. They record these sessions and put them out online and make DVD's. They chose us for a session and we tried to give it as much as we could - that meant bum notes, a lot of sweat, and us trying not to pick holes in our performance. It'll be rouhg, but it'll be accurate - if you know what i mean. Kieran and Ross did an interview and we're told the session will go live in a couple months time!

Thankyou to ALL that came to Proud. Some people missed it and some people were treated ill by the staff. Not cool. I doubt we'll play there again, unless we can on our own terms. Next up we headline the 405 night at the Good Ship, Kilburn this THURS, then Europe.


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