Setlist: Radar / Audio Video Disco / Underachiever

3LX - see you soon ;)
I keep hearing the same argument again and again - If we stopped spending money on war and weapons development, there woud be enough money to provide those less fortunate with medicine and aid... But for some (illogical) reason we can't do this. We'd much rather arm ourselves against... ourselves?
The events happening in Gaza right now are sad, but it is one of MANY situations that we need to be made aware of. Events like this help raise awareness, but to what end...? There is no big picture plan. It really makes you realise how controlled our sources of information are. Knowledge is totally selective: depending on what we're allowed to see, hear, buy, switch over to, to what we overhear friends discussing etc. etc. Yes, the world could be seen to be in a mess - that's your own choice of perspective, but what can we expect to do... you know, with this recession and all?
I have an idea - be nice to someone for no reason. Try it.
Or if you got the guts, try do something like this...
Cheers for reading
<3 [A]
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