Newcastle @ Blank Studio’s. Amazing Radio session (with Ruth & Cat)
2 years ago was the first time we came to Newcastle we played a gig. The guys doing the sound at the gig were Sam, Chris and John. We crashed at their house, listened to music, talked about the band and dreams. They told us they were trying to find a space to build a recording studio in Newcastle. Blank Studio’s was their name.
Yesterday we went to a built Blank Studios for a radio session for the digital station ‘Amazing Radio’.
I could write and write about how the session was yet another dream coming true, but what I was happiest with was how Sam, Chris and John’s idea had manifested itself. It is, without a doubt, much better to see them making a name for themselves and doing it in their own way than it is to have done the session.
Call me cliché, call me cheesy, but the world makes most sense to me when others are happy.
Picture time

Oh yeah, we literally recorded the whole EP again with Ruth and Cat and even the new track ‘Daydreaming’.
5 (part 2) – Crookham @ Sandyford Farm Cottages aka Angus’ party pad
Familiar faces from the past tour.
The village of Crookham had its first ever Diwali celebration. 6 Rockets and sparklers and a massive group chants of ‘Di-Va-Li! Di-Va-Li! Di-Va-Li!’
A massive living room jam involving 10 party people – playing all sorts of instruments including a trianglur sheet of metal
A solo set (informal like) by Amit
Awesome jumpers and balaclava shenanigans
Mild mushroom tea
Red wine & whiskey
Talks of the ‘brown’ note and the ‘x’ note
Spaghetti Bolognaise
& the night sky and the stars – so many, so bright, so humbling
Angus booked this tour – we were really hoping we’d get to come back to the farm and see the Wu-Tang Ham again (Angus’ 3 pigs: Snoop Hog, Missy Piglet & Notorious P.I.G). One of the loveliest and funniest people we’ve had the pleasure of getting to know and we’re glad we work with him.
His hi-fives are deadly
Diwali! Diwali! Diwali!